Do You Have Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD)?
This clinical study is looking at whether a new treatment called zibotentan, combined in a tablet with dapagliflozin, may have benefits in people with chronic kidney disease (CKD) and protein in their urine (proteinuria).

CKD and Protein in Your Urine
Your kidneys’ job is to clean and filter your blood. They keep important things inside your blood, like proteins, and remove things your body doesn’t need, like waste and extra water. If your kidneys are struggling to work properly, the waste and extra water can build up in your body. When this gets worse over a period of time, it is called CKD.

When your kidneys are working properly, protein shouldn’t be found in your urine. If protein is found, this is called proteinuria. This is a sign that your kidneys are not working as well as they should. Having CKD and high levels of protein in your urine means you are at risk of your kidneys getting worse more quickly. That is why this study is looking at a new treatment that may help lower the amount of protein in your urine. This may also slow down how quickly your CKD gets worse.

See If You Qualify

  • You are above the age of 18 years and above.
  • You have CKD.
  • You have high levels of protein in your urine.
  • You have Systolic blood pressure between 90 & 160 mmHg.
  • You should not have NYHA class III & IV HF.

To participate in this study, please enroll here.

Study Guide